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Refund policy

The following refund policy applies to orders created before 1st June 2019. For orders placed on or after 1st June 2019, please see the new refund policy.

If you cancel your booking on an event you will be entitled to a refund as follows:

Days before the event Refund
29 days or more Full amount*
28 - 22 days 75% refund*
21 - 15 days 50% refund* 
14 - 8 days 25% refund* 
7 days or less No refund

* subject to minimum £5 admin charge


If you are still on the reserve list for an event after the 'last booking date' has passed you will be automatically given a refund of the full amount.

If you are on the reserve list and withdraw before the 'last booking date' you will be given a refund of the full amount minus a £5 admin charge.

The above only covers events delivered by OutdoorLads.

Events delivered by third parties are not covered by this policy.