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Refund policy - 1st June 2019

The following refund policy applies to orders created after 1st June 2019.  For orders placed before 1st June 2019, please see the previous refund policy.

1. Members with a place on an event

1.1 Cancel more than 28 days before the event start

If you booked less than 48 hours before cancelling, there is a cooling-off period during which time you will receive a full refund less a £5.00 minimum administration charge.  For the purposes of the 48 hour cooling-off period, that period starts from the time of your original booking irrespective of whether you are on a waiting list or attending at that point.

Cooling-off periods do not apply to orders cancelled 28 days or less before the start of the event.

A refund of 80% of the order value will be due subject to a minimum charge of £5.


1.2 Cancel more than 21 days and less than or equal to 28 days before event start

A refund of 60% of the order value will be due subject to a minimum charge of £5.


1.3 Cancel more than 14 days and less than or equal to 21 days before event start

A refund of 40% of the order value will be due subject to a minimum charge of £5.


1.4 Cancel more than 7 days and less than or equal to 14 days before event start

A refund of 20% of the order value will be due subject to a minimum charge of £5.


1.5 Cancel less than or equal to 7 days before the event start

No refund will be payable.


2. Members on a waiting list for an event

If you are on a waiting list and are promoted onto an event before the last booking date, you are then considered to be an attendee and will not entitled to a full refund.  If you are on a waiting list and decide you no longer wish to attend, you must cancel BEFORE you gain a place on an event otherwise you will only receive a partial refund as an attendee.

2.1 You request a refund before event last booking date

If you are still on a waitlist for an event and you cancel before the last booking date is reached, you will receive a full refund with no administration fee deduction.

2.2 The last booking date passes and you are still on the waiting list

If you are on the waiting list and no place has become free by the last booking date for the event, you will automatically receive a full refund with no administration fee deduction.


This refund policy only covers events delivered by OutdoorLads and does not apply to any events delivered by third parties.