Humber to Holland: An Unforgettable North Sea Adventure

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Sep 04

2 people attending

10 places left

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Event booking closes on Aug 21 at 12:00:00
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Easy Moderate Very Hard
This isn't a leisurely trip - you'll be required to be an active member of the crew throughout the trip, rather than a passenger.

OutdoorLads are sailing across the North Sea to the Netherlands!

This is an incredible opportunity to spend five days aboard CatZero, as we take on this 400-mile round-trip across the North Sea from the Humber estuary to the Netherlands and back (a "Dutch Dash")!

CatZero is a 72-foot Challenge Round the World Racing Yacht. Category Zero is the rating of the vessel, meaning she can sail anywhere in the world in all conditions. CatZero is also the name of the charity that own and operate the vessel.

On this voyage, you will be crewing the boat under the instruction and direction of the fantastic CatZero team. Absolute beginner with no sailing experience, or total sailing pro? It doesn't matter if you've never set foot on a boat before or if you're a qualified sailor, these trips are for everyone. You'll learn what you need to know to sail the ship.

This is not a leisure holiday! Voyages aboard CatZero are interactive, fun and rewarding. You'll be living in very close proximity with the rest of team, and working together throughout the five days. There will be long days and maybe nights! You'll take your role in helping run the boat, from cooking, cleaning, scrubbing the decks and helping sail throughout your trip. Team work and camaraderie will be in abundance, and we're sure you'll have an absolutely fantastic time on board. You'll be exhausted by the end of the week, but you will have had the absolute time of your lives, learn a lot about sailing, yourself, and each other - this is the kind of trip that creates special memories. 

Past sailing experience is not necessary - there will be an experienced crew on board who will show you everything you need to do. If you've never sailed before but think you'd enjoy it, and are prepared to get stuck in and give it your all for a five days, then this is a perfect event for you! Included as part of this trip, you can even complete the RYA Competent Crew qualification!

If you have any questions before you book please feel free to contact the event Leader.

Here's an article about one of CatZero's recent Dutch Dashes, where you can also learn about the remarkable charity, bringing about positive change in peoples' lives.

Pay in instalments

If you would prefer to pay in monthly instalments, please contact the office team (or raise a support ticket) and we can discuss the options available to you, depending on the time available between booking and the event taking place. There will be additional terms and conditions to agree to before you commit. You won't pay anything extra to pay in instalments. This is how the event leader has chosen to pay - so it's no hardship.

OutdoorLads Foundation

'Foundation' places are available on this event, with up to a £200 grant available towards the event cost. Find out more about OutdoorLads Foundation and apply. You will still be able to pay the remaining amount in instalments. 

Some Ts&Cs

  • CatZero's and OutdoorLads' Liability
    • CatZero or OutdoorLads will take no responsibility for loss or damage of personal belongings on this event, and will accept no liability.
    • CatZero or OutdoorLads have no liability to the participant in the event the participant fails to board the yacht prior to sailing, unless caused by the negligence of CatZero or its representatives.
  • Health
    • You must be mentally and physically fit for the sail. All participants must be in general good health.
    • You will be required to complete a medical questionnaire prior to sailing, and you must make CatZero aware of any injuries, illnesses and/or medications you are taking. You must notify CatZero of any changes between comlpetion of the medical questionnaire and the sailing.
    • CatZero can refuse to accept you if they believe that the safety and/or smooth running of the sail would be at risk due to any injuries or illness a participant has, or due to any other medical reason.
  • Safety
    • The safety of all participants is of paramount importance to CatZero. Sailing can be dangerous and hazardous, and all participants must accept those risks and always have regard to the safety of themselves and third parties.
    • Whilst on the yacht, all participants must comply at all times with the authority, decisions, and instructions of the Skipper. All participants must comply with with all safety guidelines and instructions given by the Skipper and other CatZero representatives.
    • All participants must not engage in any activity, whether shore based or on board the yacht, which is likely to compromise their safety or the safety of any other person.
    • Failure to comply may result in the Skipper ask the individual to vacate the yacht.
    • The Skipper or CatZero will have the absolute authority, without providing any prior notice, ask an individual or individuals to vacate the yacht if the safety or smooth running of the sail is deemed to be at risk.
    • In the event that an individual is asked to vacate the yacht, CatZero will not be liable for costs incurred.
  • Insurance
    • CatZero or OutdoorLads do not provide any insurance covering the participant.
    • The participant is responsible for making their own arrangements for adequate insurance to cover the cost of personal accident, personal liability, medical expenses, and emergency repatriation during the sail, including travel to/from the yacht.
    • The participant agrees to indemnify CatZero in respect of any costs or expenses claimed against CatZero or incurred by CatZero which would ordinarily be covered by adequate insurance taken out by the participant.
  • Behaviour
    • Throughout the period of the sail, both when ashore and on board the yacht, all participants shall:
      • behave in a moderate and reasonable manner, taking into account of the people around them
      • do nothing which may render the yacht liable to arrest or impounding
      • not take or consume personal stocks of alcohol on board the yacht
      • not behave in a manner that is or is likely to be disruptive, abusive, antisocial, dangerous, or likely to cause upset or distress to any third party or damage to property
      • Not use, carry, or store any illegal drugs, substances or any other illegal items
      • Not engage in any activity which is likely to compromise the reputation of CatZero
    • If in the Skipper's reasonable opinion, any participant is in breach of the above, in any way, they shall have the absolute authority, without providing prior notice, to ask them to vacate the yacht.

Photos: Kindly provided by CatZero. Group picture with OutdoorLads flag, and picture of the rainbow flag in the sail are from previous OutdoorLads' expeditions with Ocean Youth Trust.

Dogs: Just in case it doesn't go without saying, this event is not suitable for dogs.

IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

You MUST complete a Participation Statement in addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend.