West Sussex and Hampshire Border History Walk
23 people attending
2 places left
1 person waitlisted
If you like nature, good views and historic buildings, you'll like this. We'll meet at Rowlands Castle, and then walk along the hill ridge above Finchdean, before dropping down to view the medieval wall paintings in Idsworth Church. If we're lucky we might see foxes, deer, buzzards, badgers. We'll then climb over into the next valley, through woodland, for our lunch stop near West Marden. On our way back to Rowlands Castle we'll pass the stately home at Stansted Park, and some World War 2 crash sites, before walking down the 1 mile tree-lined vista from the house to the station.
Food & drink
Please bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink.
Although there is a food shop in Rowlands Castle, once the walk has started we won't be passing any shops.