Strategy Consultation: Peaky Weekender
22 people attending
78 places left
The Trustees of OutdoorLads have now published our draft strategy and we invite our volunteer leaders to join us to hear your thoughts and views.
A focus point of the consultation will be OutdoorLads new mission statement and our desire to open up our events to the wider LGBTQ+ community. We want to know what you think of this, what it means for the charity in the future and what might some of the further considerations be.
Agenda for the session
Matt Tennant, our Chairman, alongside Richard Overton will be hosting a listening session for members to hear feedback on the draft OutdoorLads strategy. We want to hear the views of our members on the new vision and mission and values of the charity.
During the session, we will present the strategy, ask you several pre-set questions and then open the floor for any further comments or suggestions you may want to make. Though we will be presenting the top-level strategy in the session, please spend some time thinking about what the new Vision, Mission and Values mean to you as a leader of OutdoorLads.
To get the most out of your session 1) please come prepared, 2) please be willing to listen, 3) please be respectful of other peoples’ opinions (even if you don’t agree) 4) don’t expect your group to agree on anything specific or reach any conclusions and 5) please be mindful that the listening session aims to begin to move OutdoorLads down the path to making it a better organisation for everyone.
We want to hear as many diverse voices as possible. So, please consider taking part.
If you can't make this session, there are two extra sessions on:
Member consultation Session 4 – 26th July
Member consultation Session 5 – 27th July

What to bring
A drink...
Food & drink
Something nice to help you relax.