Southampton Social

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Social Events
Oct 29

14 people attending

6 places left

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Easy Moderate Very Hard
Social event

Part of a special Saturday double bill!

During the day Mike Cox is leading this walk in the New Forest:

In a change of location, we'll meet at Maritimo Lounge in Ocean Village from 7.30m - where you can grab a bite to eat, then we'll head to The London Hotel. There will be cabaret on stage later in the evening!

Later in the evening we will likely head to another bar before venturing to the Edge & The Box Bar -  Southampton's award-winning LGBTQ+ nightclub & bar.

This social is a perfect opportunity to meet new friends, catch up with old ones and discuss what’s new and upcoming events. This is a great event for new and existing members where new members can come along and find out what we are all about. Social events provide a support network for local members. If you are in any way uncertain about joining OutdoorLads, are concerned about fitness/ability or whether OutdoorLads is for you, then come along, give us a go, have a drink with us and see what we are all about.

To see all the walking events in the southeast, please click this link.

IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

You MUST complete a Participation Statementin addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend.

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are extremely mild, or who has recently tested positive for Covid-19, is asked not to attend.

Pictures courtesy of user GeekyJames / The London Hotel
