Sir Isaac Newton Tree - Day Walk

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Lowland and Hill Walks
Sep 03

7 people attending

13 places left

Your price
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
Distance is 14.3 km (8.9 miles); total climb is 164 m (538 feet); terrain has some inclines in places, but includes long flat stretches; surfaces are mainly walked earth paths, grass and some tarmac/gravel paths.

See the very tree from which an apple fell and caused Newton to ask the question: 'Why do apples always fall straight down to the ground?'  I'd like to start this event with a little bimble around Woolthorpe Manor, the childhood home of Isaac Newton, see the science centre and the 370 year old apple tree which would have been on this site when Newton was a little nipper.  Entrance to the Manor is £10, but free if you are a English National Trust member.

Afterwards we will take a walk around the area, perhaps this environment will get the brain cells firing on all cylinders in much the same way as it did for Newton.  However don't worry there will be opportunity to dull the senses with a nice cool beverage before returning home.


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Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are extremely mild, or who has recently tested positive for Covid-19, is asked not to attend.

