Pre-AGM Manchester Canals and Rivers urban walk
27 people attending
3 places left
Join Rich for a few hours short 8km urban walk around Manchester taking in waterways and open spaces back in time for the AGM in the afternoon. Pretty flat, relaxed walk, all welcome; you don't need to be attending the AGM.
IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement
You MUST complete a Participation Statement, in addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend.
All images taken by Rich Seddon.
What to bring
Boots: A decent pair of walk shoes or boots. The canal and River towpaths are straightforward but it may be boggy in places depending on the weather.
Waterproofs and layers: Please check the weather forecast on the morning of the walk and ensure you are appropriately equipped.
Food & drink
Please ensure you have any drinks or snacks you want with you. We won't be including a lunch stop because the walk is so short and we'll be back in the City Centre for 13:00.