Outdoor Trad Climbing on Birchen Edge
3 people attending
3 places left
A day's outdoor trad climbing at Birchen Edge in the Peak District, suitable for those who already have some outdoor climbing experience.
Birchen Edge is a friendly gritstone crag with many easy routes. The crag is low lying and catches much of the afternoon sun. The rock is millstone grit, rough, rounded and well-cracked.
Much of the crag is named on a nautical theme in keeping with the monument that stands on top of the cliff. It was erected to celebrate Nelson and his famous victory at the Battle of Trafalgar. As such there are routed named the Crow's nest, Top Sail, Sail Buttress, Trafalgar Wall and Nelson's Nemesis. The three large bouldering rocks on top of the crag that bear the names of Nelson's flag ships carved into them.
If you only have indoor lead climbing and lead belaying experience, availability of places on this event will depend on the availability of suitably experienced outdoor climbers. Please message the event leader to discuss, before registering.
IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement
You MUST complete a Participation Statement, in addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend.
Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are extremely mild, or who has recently tested positive for Covid-19, is asked not to attend.
Please note that every person participating should be aware of (and accept) that those members perceived as ‘in charge’ or leading the event are not experts, do not need to be experts, and are not regarded by OutdoorLads, or themselves as experts, but are amateurs with some experience in the event type and who are happy to impart their knowledge. Any advice given should be considered with this in mind by the recipient.
By signing up to and attending an OutdoorLads event, you are confirming that you have read, understood and accept the content of this statement.
Please see our website for more information including an FAQ about our events.
All images are © of event leaders with permission granted to OutdoorLads
What to bring
Harness, Rock boots, Belay plate and Screw gate karabiner, and a Helmet. If you have ropes, and climbing gear, please do bring.
There are limited ropes and harness/Karabiner/belay plate sets and helmets available from the group's stock. These will only be brought if requested in advance, so message the event leader to request as early as possible.
You will need BOTH a helmet & harness to climb.
Appropriate warm, preferably windproof, clothing will be needed. A waterproof jacket should also be bought in case of rain.
Sun lotion is best applied before leaving home, to avoid greasy hands on the crag.
It can be advisable to use insect repellent to help ward off the midges!
Food & drink
We will be at the crag all day so you need to bring food and drink.
At the end of the day we will call at the Robin Hood Inn for refreshments and to brag about our climbing achievements.