Osmotherley Village Day Walk

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Lowland and Hill Walks
Aug 03

19 people attending

1 place left

Your price
Event booking closes on Aug 2 at 21:00:00
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
Hills, Woodland, Moorland, on this 8 mile walk

Local legend says that Osmotherley was named after the mother of a villager named Oswald or Osmund, who went out to gather firewood in the winter. When she did not return her son became anxious and went out to look for her. He found her lying in the snow, dead or dying from the cold. Because he was not able to carry her back, he lay down beside her and died himself. It is where Oswald's mother lies, hence Osmotherley

This 8 mile circular trail starts from the village of Osmotherley in the Hambleton Hills in North Yorkshire, at the western edge of the North York Moors. There are expansive views as you make your way across the farmlands, through the woodlands, and over Scarth Wood Moor, with chances to spot wildlife.

The route will take us up hills, along the edge of the moorland, past Solomon’e Temple and through Arncliffe Wood.

Instead of writing lots of descriptions about the walk, the photos should tell you just how beautiful this area is, and how it changes with every season giving different flowers and wildlife on each adventure.

This 8 mile circular walk is route #2  from 4 walks we have planned for this beautiful area.

Afterwards there’s a choice of a cafe, or the pubs who also serve refreshments of various sorts and food.

Well behaved dogs are welcome on this event. Please keep your dog on a lead near livestock, Dogs must be kept under control at all times.

IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

You MUST complete a Participation Statementin addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend. 

All photographs taken by the event leader and Outdoor Lads has permission to use them.