New! BOULDERING - Depot MANCHESTER (Beginners welcome!)

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Indoor Bouldering
Dec 06

10 people attending

2 places left

Your price
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
Suitable for all abilities. If you're new to bouldering, just let the event leader know and we'll get you started!

Join OutdoorLads for an evening of INDOOR BOULDERING at the Depot in Manchester!!

The depot is a fantastic indoor bouldering centre with over 1000 square meters of archways, caves, slabs and a monstrous two story overhang that will have your biceps screaming for mercy.

If you haven't been before, take a peek on the Depot website and register to save time on the day.

What is Bouldering?  It's a form of climbing where instead of long high routes, the 'problems' tend to be shorter and focus on technique, balance, body positioning and sometimes power. Because of this different emphasis, bouldering doesn't have the hassle of climbing with ropes, harnesses and belaying, which makes it an excellent activity for newcomers to the sport. No wonder it's often regarded as the 'purest' form of climbing.

If you're a seasoned climber you won't need convincing about the benefits of bouldering, but for those who've never climbed more than a staircase, the benefits are wide ranging: from the physical - improved strength, tone, balance, power and coordination; mental - problem solving, focus, concentration and body awareness; to the emotional - relaxation, a sense of achievement and a feeling that mind and body are working together perfectly ('feeling psyched'). On top of all this, bouldering tends to be a very social sport where you can hang out with mates and each have a go as you feel regardless of what level you climb at.


I'm new to Bouldering - can I come along?   If you have never tried bouldering before it is recommended that you have a guided session from the event leader, who will go through everything you will need to know to boulder safely before joining in with the rest of the group.

All those attending the event must also be aware of the centre's own terms and conditions of participation and abide by them, along with any instructions given by the centre’s staff. Everyone must also take responsibility for their own safety while participating in Indoor climbing events.

I've been Bouldering before? As above, everyone attending the event  must abide by the centre's T&Cs etc. As an experienced boulderer you responsible for your own safety, actions and involvement at all times. As such, you should use your own judgement in taking up advice given either by OutdoorLads Volunteers or other experienced climbers.

What other Climbing events do OutdoorLads Run?   We run regular indoor climbing and bouldering events across the North West - Click here to see all the current events. We also have a private Facebook Group where we post about new events as well as social and other climbing stuff too, feel free to sign up to it! 


IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

You MUST complete a Participation Statement, in addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend.

COVID-19 – IMPORTANT, Please read the following before you sign up to this event:

  • Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are extremely mild, or who lives or is in a support bubble with someone showing symptoms, is asked not to attend. This is in line with the government’s coronavirus advice.
  • You must also immediately self-isolate and not attend the event if you or someone in your household or support bubble shows coronavirus symptoms or tests positive. Read the NHS self-isolation guidance.
  • OutdoorLads strongly encourages all attendees to take a rapid lateral flow test immediately prior to attending an event. This will help to keep everyone safe. Order free Rapid Lateral Flow Tests.

Please note that every person participating should be aware of (and accept) that those members perceived as ‘in charge’ or leading the event are not experts,  do not need to be experts, and are not regarded by OutdoorLads, or themselves as experts, but are amateurs with some experience in the event type and who are happy to impart their knowledge.  Any advice given should be considered with this in mind by the recipient.

By signing up to and attending an OutdoorLads event, you are confirming that you have read, understood and accept the content of this statement.

Please see our website for more information including an FAQ about our events.
