Monsal Trail Cycle and Abseil

Road Cycling
Apr 09

16 people attending

4 places left

Your price
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
17 miles easy cycling + 90ft abseil!Approx six hours

If you're looking for something a little different this Spring, how about joining us for this event with a twist?

We'll meet in the Bakewell Bridge car park (£5 for the day) in Bakewell with our bikes (you can bring any type of bike you wish - bikes can also be hired locally) then start off for the 60 minute ride along the Monsal Trail heading towards Buxton. This will be a nice, leisurely journey along fairly comfortable tracks and through some pretty spectacular old railway tunnels.

As we get close to Buxton we'll stop for lunch for an hour or two at the famous 'Bridge 75', a disused railway viaduct along the trail, set up a couple of ropes and jump off!

When everyone's had a couple of goes we'll get back in the saddle and cycle back along the Trail to Bakewell to find a pub.

This event is suitable for those of any level of fitness and with no climbing/abseilling experience. We'll provide all the equipment - you just need to bring your bike!
