Manchester History and Art walk and Manchester's Gay Village

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Leisure Walks
Sep 23

17 people attending

3 places left

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Easy Moderate Very Hard
An easy walk around Manchester City Centre


As a leg stretcher before the AGM, ​​​​​enjoy an easy walk around Manchester city centre finding out a bit of Manchester’s history, discovering some great works of art and finishing in Manchester's Gay village.

We will meet outside Manchester Central Library in St Peter's Square.

We will start by visiting the site of the Peterloo Massacre when a peaceful protest for equality and democracy was broken up with force and 18 people killed.

We will then visit the City Art Gallery for a lightning tour of some great pictures, in particular work by the Pre-Raphaelite painters Waterhouse, Madox Brown and Holman Hunt.

We will finish with a visit to Sackville Park in the heart of the Gay Village and see the memorial to Alan Turing.

There will be time for a drink in Canal Street before heading off to the AGM.

Don't worry if all the places have gone, put your name on the waiting list and you will get a place if someone drops out. Usually a few guys drop out in the days before the event so you are almost certain to get a place.

All photos taken by Andrew

IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

You MUST complete a Participation Statementin addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend. 

Here is a link to the AGM if not already signed up

Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Manchester Town Hall
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Manchester Town Hall
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre
Site of the Peterloo Massacre