Liverpool Indoor Climbing - beginners welcome

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Indoor Climbing
Aug 04

3 people attending

3 places left

Your price
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
Unlike Indoor Bouldering there is a certain amount of skill to be mastered, such as tying in knots & belaying a partner, as well as the climbs being higher than in bouldering. That said the centre caters for all abilities.

Climbing will be most Thursdays at Awesome Walls or the Climbing Hangar. Also look out Monthly LGBT special events at The Hangar on a Fridays (usually at the end of each month). 

Liverpool Awesome Walls climbing centre is based in a lofty, one hundred and fifty year old church. You can lead climb to the rafters on grades to suit all climbers, or stand watching in the aisles with a cup of tea. As well as a variety of top roped routes, there is also a range of bouldering options to choose from - the phrase 'something for everyone, is an understatement!

Indoor climbing centres offer the challenges of climbing that you'll find on natural outdoor structures; simply indoors. It's a fun way to stay fit, you will quickly begin to develop arm, back, finger, and core strength as a result of the many reaches and holds that are repeated through the completion of the climb.

This event is for members of all levels of experience and ability and all are welcome to come along to any of the sessions.

To come along, you will need to register via the event page, and to climb you will need to pay an entry fee directly to the centre when you arrive. For prices & centre visit their website (Click Here)

For your first time climbing with us, especially if you are new to climbing and need a guided session, please contact the event leader in advance to let him know what your skills and experience are, or if you will need some help to learn the basics. Please also complete the online registration form in advance of your first visit.



Do I need a guided session?

If you can answer Yes to the following three questions:

1. Can you tie the correct knots (double figure of 8 and stopper knot)?

2. Can you fit a harness correctly?

3. Can you belay correctly?

Then you do not need a guided session from the event leader.

If you answer No to any of the questions then don't worry this means you will need a guided session from the event leader, who will happily take you through everything you need to know to climb safely.

It is important that all members sign up through the event page to make sure the event leader has all necessary information they need to ensure they can participate in a safe & happy way.

What other Climbing events do OutdoorLads Run? 

We run regular indoor climbing and bouldering events across the North West - Click here to see all the current events. We also have a private Facebook Group where we post about new events as well as social and other climbing stuff too, feel free to sign up to it!  

IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

You MUST complete a Participation Statementin addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend. 

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are extremely mild, or who has recently tested positive for Covid-19, is asked not to attend.

Please note that every person participating should be aware of (and accept) that those members perceived as ‘in charge’ or leading the event are not experts,  do not need to be experts, and are not regarded by OutdoorLads, or themselves as experts, but are amateurs with some experience in the event type and who are happy to impart their knowledge.  Any advice given should be considered with this in mind by the recipient.

By signing up to and attending an OutdoorLads event, you are confirming that you have read, understood and accept the content of this statement.