LEJOG Cycle Tour - Day 14 - Dunkeld to Aviemore

Road Cycling
Jul 22

4 people attending

8 places left

Your price
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
2 weeks of cycling, carrying kit.


Join Will, Skip & Jon for a day, a week, a weekend or all 17 days of the UK cycle tour from Lands End to John O’Groats.  The trip is organised as day events, allowing you to sign up to whatever days you fancy, booking your own transport and accommodation according to your budget.

DAY FOURTEEN - Dunkeld to Aviemore

We follow National Cycling Route 7 all day today from Dunkeld to Aviemore.  We cover 119km with 900m of ascent.

At 95km we will be cycling past Historic Environment Scotland's Ruthven Barracks.  They were built by George II’s government in the early 1700s after the failed Jacobite uprising of 1715. The troops stationed there were to maintain law and order and enforce the Disarming Act of 1716.  The barracks saw action twice. A 300-strong Jacobite attack failed to take the barracks in 1745, but a more heavily-armed attack the next year forced the barracks’ surrender. The Jacobites rallied here after their defeat at Culloden before conceding.

The route can be downloaded from here.

Friday 22nd July accommodation suggestions in Aviemore:

  • lots of independent options.
  • Will & Jon are booked into The Balavoulin

Keep costs down by getting twin rooms and sharing.

Getting there and back again

If you are joining us for the day, the nearest train station to the starting point is Dunkeld & Birnam.

If you are leaving us in Aviemore, the nearest train station is Aviemore.


If you have any questions regarding equipment etc email Will.Allaway@Outdoorlads.com.

A lot of useful information is included in Day 0 - Getting to Lands End.

Keep in touch

Want to hear more about what we're up to? Then join us on Facebook:


We also have a Strava group:



IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

You MUST complete the Cycling Participation Statement in addition to booking your event space before attending a cycling event.

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are extremely mild, or who has recently tested positive for Covid-19, is asked not to attend.

Photos: All photos taken by Will Allaway and used with permission.
