LEJOG Cycle Tour - Day 0 - Getting to Lands End

Road Cycling
Jul 08

4 people attending

8 places left

Your price
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
2 weeks of cycling, carrying kit.


Join Will & Jon for a day, a week, a weekend or all 17 days of the UK cycle tour from Lands End to John O’Groats.  The whole route will cover 1000 miles and goes through Lands End, Bodmin, Okehampton, Bridgewater, Bristol, Tewkesbury, Telford, Manchester, Settle, Penrith, Moffat, Edinburgh, Dunkeld, Aviemore, Tain, Tongue and John O'Groats.

The trip is organised as day events, allowing you to sign up to whatever days you fancy, booking your own transport and accommodation according to your budget.

Day 0 Fri - 8/7/22 - Penzance Station to Lands End - 15km

  1. Sat - 9/7/22 - Lands End to Bodmin - 111km
  2. Sun - 10/7/22 - Bodmin to Okehampton - 87km
  3. Mon - 11/7/22 - Okehampton to Taunton - 95km
  4. Tue - 12/7/22 - Taunton to Bristol - 95km
  5. Wed - 13/7/22 - Bristol to Tewkesbury - 102km
  6. Thur - 14/7/22 - Tewkesbury to Telford - 105km
  7. Fri - 15/7/22 - Telford to Manchester - 126km
  8. Sat - 16/7/22 - Day Off 
  9. Sun - 17/7/22 - Manchester to Settle - 90km
  10. Mon - 18/7/22 - Settle to Penrith - 101km
  11. Tue - 19/7/22 - Penrith to Moffat - 110km
  12. Wed - 20/7/22 - Moffat to Edinburgh - 98km
  13. Thur - 21/7/22 - Edinburgh to Dunkeld - 105km
  14. Fri - 22/7/22 - Dunkeld to Aviemore - 115km
  15. Sat - 23/7/22 - Aviemore to Tain - 127km
  16. Sun - 24/7/22 - Tain to Tongue - 125km
  17. Mon - 25/7/22 - Tongue to John O’Groats - 105km

DAY ZERO - Getting to Lands End 

Before we start on our epic journey, we first of all you have to get there!  The closest train station to Lands End is Penzance and from there it is a 19km journey to the starting line (more accurately a signpost).  The route from Penzance to Lands End can be downloaded from here.

Will (your leader) is taking the Friday off work to travel down from Shropshire via train and staying somewhere around Trevescan on the Friday night (8th July 2022), a short cycle from Lands End.  

If arriving at a reasonable time, come find Will at The First and Last Inn on the Friday afternoon/evening.

If you live in London you have the option of an overnight sleeper train to Penzance (Night Riviera Sleeper), leaving Friday night, arriving Saturday morning.  

Please inform Will of you individual ETAs.

Some accommodation ideas near Lands End:

  • Lands End Hostel & Bed & Breakfast - Trevescan (Will & Jon have booked in here)
  • The Lands End Hotel
  • Lands End YHA 

The Route - LEJOG

The route will take 17 days plus a couple either side for travel and includes a day off in Manchester.  The average distance each day is around 100-110km.  The entire proposed route can be viewed here.

Your Leaders

Will and Jon are both regional cycling organisers for ODL. Both have a passion for the outdoors but also love good food and fun company (hence needing other people to join) so expect tasty dinners and enforced board games!

Will is a cyclist but also a tourist with a sweet tooth.  He cycles fairly sedately, insists on a tea shop for elevenses and somewhere nice for lunch.  Will is also a fan of including at least one touristy stop to break the day up.  If you are travelling the length of Britain, you might as well enjoy it and take in the sights along the way, it is a holiday after all.  Jon much to Will's disgust cycles quickly, effortlessly and often no-handed (smug git).

Cycle Touring - What is It?  Can I do it? What do I need?

Cycle touring is going from A to B over multiple days.  You will have to carry everything you require to survive for the length of your trip as we have no vehicular support, but don't be put off by this notion.  With clever packing and fabric cleaner you won't need to carry much.  (Jon is terrified by this notion so you can go thru the learning curve with him)

You will need a road bike or touring bike.  Road bikes have skinny tyres, drop down handlebars and reasonably lightweight.  Touring bikes usually have wider tyres and fixtures for panniers.  Ideally your bike will need to be fitted with panniers to carry your gear.  It is possible to carry a rucksack, though this can become uncomfortable after a day or two.  If the bike does not have pannier fittings, it is often still possible to fit panniers by connecting them to your seat post, or buy a clamp kit, have a google.  A popular alternative is to use velcro frame bags that fit within your frame and behind your saddle.  Always be mindful though, some bikes might not be suitable for carrying large loads.  Before splashing out on a new bike, give Will or Jon a shout, they are happy to offer some advice.

If you are a cyclist comfortable covering 80-100km a day, you should be fine.

Why am I booking my own accommodation?

As you are booking your own accommodation, you can choose whatever suits your budget, be it a luxury spa resort, AirBnB, generic hotel or bivvying in a hedge if you are so inclined.  

There will be a group meal every evening but its not compulsory so feel free to embrace the team fully or do your own thing of an evening, everyone needs their space sometimes!  If you have a spa or pool, Jon will befriend you.

What happens if my bike breaks down?

First instance, there will be multiple tools and spares amongst your fellow cyclists and fingers-crossed some knowledge of what to do with them.  We will be cycling in the UK which luckily has bike shops open 7 days a week (unlike the lazy French).  If your bike can't be fixed on the road, with the power of google maps, taxi, trains and buses we will get you to a bike shop who should hopefully have the skills and parts required.

If your bike can not be repaired there and then, again don't panic, the route has a train station at most stopovers.  You can catch us up when you are mobile.

What happens if I break down?

If you break down or decide bike touring is not for you, we will get you to the closest train station.  If you want a few days off, catch a train and join us later.  Generic hotels such as Premier Inns and Travelodges have great cancellation policies so you shouldn't be out of pocket too much.

Jon will have two panniers, one for clothes and toiletries, and the other for wine; if you just need a moment find him.

If you have any questions ..

Email will.allaway@outdoorlads.com

Keep in touch

Want to hear more about what we're up to? Then join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/OutdoorLadsCycling

We also have a Strava group: www.strava.com/clubs/275243

IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

You MUST complete the Cycling Participation Statement in addition to booking your event space before attending a cycling event.

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are extremely mild, or who has recently tested positive for Covid-19, is asked not to attend.

Photos: All photos taken by Will Allaway and used with permission. 
