Jaunts on the Jurassic Coast

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Lowland and Hill Walks
Feb 11

6 people attending

4 places left

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Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
Good walks along the coastline, so it will be a bit up and down.

In the Dorset area and fancy a walk? Why not join the hostel attendees for a late winter (or early spring if you prefer!) walk!

Formed by the combined forces of the sea and a river swollen by melting ice at the end of the last Ice Age; Lulworth Cove is world famous for its unique geology and landforms including the Lulworth Crumple, Stair Hole and of course the stone arch of Durdle Door.

This is a legendary beauty spot where the coastline was granted World Heritage Site status by UNESCO in 2001. Lulworth Cove itself acts as a staircase to this part of the Jurassic Coast. The Steps at the east end of the beach lead to the Fossil Forest and Mupe Bay with a stunning walk along the cliff top. 

It’s a prime location for any budding geographer and geologist or simply for a leisurely walk along the beautiful surrounding hills and stunning coastline. So why not come and join us for a lovely Lulworth day.

You do not have to be registered on the hostel to attend - any local member is welcome!


Photos: All photos taken by SimonH or other ODL members and used by OutdoorLads with permission. 

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