JAN25: Winnie the Pooh walk
15 people attending
0 places left
GET SOCIAL THIS JANUARY! This event is one of loads of events taking place over the same weekend! Check out all the events over the weekend of 17-19 January 2025: OutdoorLads.events/JAN25. Great for new and regular members!
Saturday 18th January is Winnie the Pooh day! Pooh has a large following . There is even an annual world Poohsticks competition at Sandford Lock, near Radley, in the spring. Our event is a chilled out walk to Oxford and fun game of Poohsticks. So, bring your stick and get ready to play!
Some see Winnie as a gay icon. Winnie's gender is speculative, as well as other characters. Read this quote from "The House at Pooh Corner". Is it about coming out, or more?
"When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it."
On our walk, we will chat about how we see Pooh characters, collect a stick and have a game of Pooh Sticks at the world championship bridge. Then, we'll stroll along the beautiful Thames path into central Oxford. There will be an opportunity to buy food and have a drink along the way, or bring your own lunch.
This is a linear walk. We end in Oxford, where you can get the train back to Radley station hourly at just past the hour, which takes 6 minutes. Train fare is £5.39 for a single - bring your card or money for this.
If the Thames floods, Poohsticks should still be possible. After that we may follow a different, higher level route through Radley Wood and Chileswell, giving good views of the city.
You are very welcome to attend this event whether you are an experienced Outdoorlads member, or if this is your first event. You'll find this a friendly and relaxed walk and social. You can also stay for a drink at the end, or explore Oxford a bit before taking the train back.
Well behaved dogs are welcome.
IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement
You MUST complete a Participation Statement, in addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend.
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* Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire
Facebook: http://fb.com/OutdoorLadsSouthEast
Twitter: @OdlSouthEast
Photos: Outdoorlads and Geograph, Creative Commons licence, for: Thames Path – Ian S. Footbridge over the backwater – Steve Daniels Sandford Lock – Chris Wood. Pictures are unchanged.
What to bring
This is a gentle walk but you should still come prepared for different weather conditions.
Walking kit, appropriate for all weathers, including:
Walking Boots
Extra layers as appropriate for cold/ windy conditions
Walking Trousers (not jeans)
Waterproof Jacket
Plenty of water
Money for lunch/ tea / shopping (optional)
Food & drink
Please bring a packed lunch.
There will be an opportunity for a drink at the end and a couple of stops along the way and a pub at the end in Oxford.