An Introduction to Winter Mountaineering

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Hostels and Bunkhouses
Feb 16

4 people attending

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Winter mountaineering aimed at those with summer mountain experience

Cairngorms - Highlands - Three nights 

An Intro to Winter Mountaineering Weekend. There is an event for those experienced in winter mountaineering running alongside this event - please book onto the event that best fits your experience level. 

The Cairngorms can be a stunning place to be in winter conditions, with rolling mountains, caledonian pine forests and hopefully a little bit of blue sky. This event is for those with summer mountaineering experience and looking to develop their skills and/ or confidence to take on the hills in winter conditions.

This event is for those looking to cross over to tackling mountains in the snow, you will have experience in summer conditions but may have hesitated with how does a crampon really go on a boot or how not to take an eye out with an ice axe.  The programme for the weekend aims to have a session talking about things to consider such as the weather, equipment, navigation & route planning and how it can differ from a summers day. We will then spend a few hours out on the mountain side practising techniques around the wearing of crampons, using ice axes and moving on a snow covered terrain. If the weather plays ball on the Sunday the plan is to go out for a mountain day putting into practise the previous days learnings.

As this weekend involves using crampons and ice axes you may need to hire this equipment along with suitable boots, this is available locally in Aviemore -…

Please remember that this is a winter mountain environment and we will be a small group. As such you should have a good level of fitness and be comfortable hiking in challenging terrain, as it is intended that we will be doing mountaineering in snow. The mountains in the area are generally rounded which reduces the technicality of the activity however the walking will still be challenging. If in doubt please message the event leader for guidance. The exact nature of activities on offer will be dictated by the weather conditions on the day.

Dogs: This event is not suitable for dogs. 

Photos: By AMD from previous winter mountaineering events and used with permission.

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