A day out at National Trust Cragside
3 people attending
17 places left
Join us as we experience Britain's original smart home. Illuminated by hydro-electricity and powered by hydraulics, this pioneering home was filled with Victorian gadgets for efficient modern living. Man-made lakes, tumbling waterfalls and swathes of rhododendron combine to form the surrounding fantasy mountain landscape imagined and engineered by inventor and arms manufacturer Lord Armstrong and his wife Lady Margaret.
We’ll be wandering amongst the towering trees in the Pinetum, explore the weaving paths and tumbling cascades in the Rock Garden and witness the changing seasons in the Formal Gardens.
We also can explore the whole estate by car (if you’re arriving by public transport, I’m sure you can get a lift in a fellow members car) on the Carriage Drive where way-marked walks and wildlife are waiting to be discovered.
Admission is £22.00, free for National Trust and National Trust for Scotland members - just to note Cragside is not part of any free admission National Trust promotions
As these are day events, there will be no charge made by OutdoorLads, and the OutdoorLads Foundation is available to members who require financial assistance with venue admission fees.
Photos: Copyright Johnny Williams and Licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence; Mainlymazza, CC BY-SA 4.0 , Christopher Down, CC BY 4.0
IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement
You MUST complete a Participation Statement, in addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend.
What to bring
We’re be exploring the gardens, so please bring some comfortable shoes and waterproof to keep yourself dry, just in case it rains.
Food & drink
Cafes and Restaurants are available onsite for your to purchase refreshments, alternatively feel free to bring your own.