Coniston copper mines – Deep level adit and Hospital level

Jul 22

4 people attending

4 places left

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Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
Traversing across deep pits (protected). A moderate walk in, wading in water in places, some crawling and complete darkness

We will be exploring two mines today, one behind the Youth Hostel known as Deep Level, which passes a huge water filled shaft known as The Bonsor East Shaft, before climbing up via an easy climb into the Dry Gill Vain. Here we crawl for a bit to go through a shored up old collapse that may or may not allow us access into the continuing mine works, we will find out on the day.

Depending on time, we may then venture into the Hospital Level a little bit further up the hill. Once inside we soon pass over two deep shafts via a narrow metal platform (harnesses and cow's tails a must for this) before venturing deeper into the mine. We will then venture past some very large manmade chambers and explore the passage leading off from the Grey Crag Level. It's worth noting that it's possible to enter the mines at the top of the hill and abseil down and come out in this level dropping a total of 413 feet down, but we will not be doing that on this trip, as it requires specialised rope work.


Prior experience/what to expect.

Prior experience is not necessary for this trip as the underground parts are mainly walking, however be prepared to be faced with short sections of wading in water and some crawling. You will need a good head for heights, especially if you intend on coming into the Hospital level. As previously said we will be crossing over two very deep pits which are protected by a metal safety line that we will clip into.

Mines and caves are in absolute darkness. The only light will be the light we bring with us, so if you are afraid of the dark this may not be for you. Also be aware as these are mines, some of the rock may be loose and rockfall is a potential hazard, as well as potential drops down into lower levels. Please do not wander off down side passages on your own.

Finally be prepared for a 45 min walk in too, so dress for the weather outside. I advise you to bring a rucksack to carry all your underground gear in.

Timings, depending on how far we get it could be between 1 hour to 2 hours in Deep Level and 2 hours or so in Hospital Level, so expect to spend up to about 5 hours underground total.

Photos taken by the event leader.

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A caver admiring copper residue
A caver looking over a pool of green water from the copper.
A caver admiring copper residue
A caver looking over a pool of green water from the copper.