BSumC22: "The hangover walk"

Cycling BIG
BIG Summer Camp 2022
Aug 28

40 people attending

10 places left

Your price
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
Your headache is the most difficult part of the walk

This event is intended for attendees at Big Summer Camp 2022.

Did you party hard last night, or just want an easy Sunday stroll? This walk will see you right.

Join me and my fluffy boy for a gentle stroll to East Preston beach. Here we will have some free time to hangout or explore the nearby shops, cafés, and probably pubs!

Approx 8 km. No set time, we can decide as a group on the day.

I'll be staying at a campsite nearby with my dog. Others doing the same are welcome to join.


Photos: Courtesy of unsplash. Photo of doggo Ruben supplied by the event Leader.

IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

You MUST complete a Participation Statementin addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend. 

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are extremely mild, or who has recently tested positive for Covid-19, is asked not to attend.
