BSC24: Moel Siabod Hike (Sat)

Cycling BIG
BIG Spring Camp 2024
May 25

18 people attending

0 places left

1 person waitlisted

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Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
Some scrambling where you need to use your hands, some bog, some steepness. Around 10km. Approx 800 metres of ascent

This is one of the events organised as part of Big Spring Camp 2024.

At 872m Moel Siabod just loses out on a place among the Welsh 3000's. However, its prominent position, standing away from the other main Snowdonia ranges, nevertheless gives it the feel of a "proper mountain". If you were going to draw a mountain you may well draw Moel Siabod!

Depending on the weather and the desires of the group we have a couple of options for our ascent. We can begin through a forest, or we could take a direct path straight up via deserted quarry buildings. Either way, we will ultimately find ourselves at the foot of an impressive ridge which offers walking or scrambling (where you need to use your hands) to the summit. Don't let the idea of scrambling put you off - this is a great place to try it for the first time as a few steps to the left will immediately find yourself back on two feet! that said, if it is wet or icy we will, of course, take the safer, walking option.

From the summit (where, if the weather is kind, the views are truly superb) we will descend the gentle slope toward Plas y Brenin.

***All photos taken by Mark House and used with permission***


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