BSC24: Coasteering (Sun Full Day)

Cycling BIG
BIG Spring Camp 2024
May 26

10 people attending

2 places left

Your price
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard

This is one of the events organised as part of BIG Spring Camp 2024.

Please complete this medical form prior to attending this event.

This full day activity is one of the BIG Spring Camp highlights! This is a high adrenaline activity and you will get wet!

Coasteering / Sea Level Traversing is a physical activity that encompasses a mixture of techniques; climbing along the sea cliffs at water level, swimming across small bays, jumping into deep water from a range of heights, using ropes to travel across sections of rock and water, zipline, clip lines and much more.

Photos provided by OutdoorLads Members and A Day's Adventure.