Brighton Area Social: Brighton Palace Pier to Rottingdean Windmill

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Leisure Walks
Jul 25

12 people attending

2 places left

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Easy Moderate Very Hard
Leisure Walk

Back for the first time in over 2 years the popular leisure walk from Brighton Palace Pier to Rottingdean Windmill and a beach stop for fish and chips we may also check out the Rudyard Kipling Gardens at Rottingdean.

This is an easy sociable evening stroll past the boats and yachts at Brighton marina and along the soaring under cliffs to end up at Rottingdean Windmill before fish and chips on the beach. If it’s a warm evening you may want to bring some things to go for a swim.

If the weather is bad then we shall retire to a pub at the end point rather than the beach.

*Please note this is a linear walk the number 12 bus will take you back in the direction of Brighton or if driving you could leave you’re car near the end point and take the bus to the meeting point*

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All photos by Outdoorlads member Cassidyi with permission for use.