Bingley Theatre - Over The Rainbow
15 people attending
5 places left
This event now takes place Saturday 17th of May 2025.
The musical version of The Wizard of Oz, starring the legendary Judy Garland, marks its 86th anniversary in 2025 and - to commemorate that landmark release the film's enduring popularity and Garland's as an LGBT+ icon - the amateur theatre are honouring the significant event with: Over the Rainbow - Celebrating the Friends of Dorothy and Their Allies. Featuring a performance of Darren Stewart-Jones' The Judy Monologues, the show will wind it's way through LGBT+ themes inspired by the movie to celebrate generations of The Friends of Dorothy and those who have supported them over the last 85 years.
You will need to book your own theatre ticket here. Tickets are £7.55 and seats are unreserved so we will be able to sit together, if you choose to.
There will be a Leisurely Walk from Shipley to Bingley, followed by a curry in Bingley, the same afternoon.
Social events are a great way of meeting other members and finding out about other ODL events.
If the event is fully booked: join the wait list as people frequently drop out during the week before an event and you are likely to get a place on the walk.
Image Credits: all images provided by OutdoorLads members. OutdoorLads has permission to use them.
IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement
You MUST complete a Participation Statement, in addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend.
Your First OutdoorLads Event?
We know that new members in particular like to know in advance more about what an OutdoorLads event will be like.
If this is your first OutdoorLads event, you should check out the information designed specifically for you on the My First Event page on the OutdoorLads website.

What to bring
No kit required.
Food & drink
An optional curry in an unlicenced curry house will be avaiable before the show. We will also meet in the bar at before the show, the venue has unreserved seating so you will be able to meet and sit with other ODL members for the performance.