Big Spring Climb - Outdoor Climbing (Beginners)

Cycling BIG
BIG Spring Climb 2024
Apr 13

8 people attending

0 places left

Your price
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
Great for beginners

This event is part of the OutdoorLads Big Spring Climb 2024

Never climbed outdoors before or need a refresher? You're in the right place, our leader will show you the ropes and you'll be climbing the crags in no time. 

Climbing is a total body workout. It is not just about strength, but requires balance, problem solving and planning. Outdoor climbing is a fun way to stay fit, make new friends and get out in the fresh air.  This event will allow you to develop your climbing skills in the beauty of one of the renowned gritstone crags of the Peak District, which is our oldest National Park. 

IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

You MUST complete a Participation Statementin addition to booking your event space before attending an OutdoorLads event. You only need to complete this Participation Statement once, not for each event you attend.

Please note that every person participating should be aware of (and accept) that those members perceived as ‘in charge’ or leading the event are not experts,  do not need to be experts, and are not regarded by OutdoorLads, or themselves as experts, but are amateurs with some experience in the event type and who are happy to impart their knowledge.  Any advice given should be considered with this in mind by the recipient.

By signing up to and attending an OutdoorLads event, you are confirming that you have read, understood and accept the content of this statement.

Please see our website for more information including an FAQ about our events.

Image credits - all images provided by OutdoorLads members. OutdoorLads has permission to use them.

Climber on a rocky crag
Climber on a rocky crag