A Day's Climbing at Froggatt Edge
5 people attending
2 places left
A day's outdoor climbing at Froggatt Edge in the Peak District, suitable for those starting off outdoors as well as those with some outdoor climbing experience already.
To attend this event you will preferably have climbed indoors (ideally with Outdoorlads) before, and you will be competent with tying in with a figure 8 knot and belaying. If you do not have this experience it will depend on the availability of suitably experienced leaders as to whether you would be able to attend this event. If that is the case, please message the event leader to discuss before registering.
There may be scope to increase numbers depending on leader availability and ratios of lead/seconder numbers. Please feel free to register on the reserve list once the event is full and message the event leader.
What to bring
Harness, rock boots, belay plate and screwgate karabiner and a Helmet.
If you have ropes and climbing gear, please do bring them. Some group ropes will also be available.
Climbing shoes are preferable, but non-chunky trainers/pumps that don't have thick soles/edging can be used by beginners.
There are limited harness/Karibiner/belay plate sets and helmets available from the Groups stock, these will be issued on a first come, first served basis, so message the event leader to request as early as possible to avoid dissapointment.
You will need BOTH a helmet & harness to climb.
Appropriate warm, preferably windproof, clothing will be needed-it can get chilly while waiting to climb!. A waterproof jacket should also be bought in case of rain. It may be best to wear older clothing that you don't mind getting damaged as grit stone can be quite abrasive.
Food & drink
You will need to bring a packed lunch and something to drink; we don't usually leave the crag during the day.
After climbing we may call in at the the The Grouse Inn for a drink and review of our day's achievements - used by climbers for years! The nearest shop is the filling station at the Calver crossroad.