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Hire Our Bar

As a charity, OutdoorLads is always looking for ways we can generate additional funds for our activities.  Our BIG events pop up bar is a staple part of many in house events across the year, but now we have the opportunity to bring this bar to your own private event outside of OutdoorLads.

Have you a birthday coming up, or a wedding perhaps or even do you have some involvement with a local village fair or other fete style event?  All are potential venues for the OutdoorLads Charity Bar to make an appearance.

Want to Book Our Bar or Find out More Information?

Call us on 0161 420 0001 or email 


What Makes Us Different to Other Bar Providers?

Well, as a charity, we want all the profit made to go where it is most needed, to a charitable cause.  With our BIG Events Charity Bar, every penny of the profit made is split between OutdoorLads and another charity of the host events choosing.  So, if you have a charity close to your heart then you can do something simple and easy to raise a significant donation to that charity.

Where can we serve?

Our bar is fully functional both inside and outside. All we need is access to mains electricity and a running tap, but if that isn’t available then worry not as our ice machine can run from an onboard water tank.  Meaning you will never be without the ice in your G&T!

What drinks we offer?

We have a state of the art keg dispenser so we can supply lager and cider on draught! We also have a beer engine for cask ale on draught.  Our fridges and optic ranges are stocked with premium tonic, wines, prosecco, most spirits and soft drinks including non alcoholic lager, meaning we can do so much more than a pop up bottle bar. 

Do we need a license to have a bar?

Yes you do, we will apply for the appropriate Temporary Event Notice from the local authority for the sale of alcohol on your behalf, so no need to worry about that. 
